
Laura’s Massage Praktijk offers relaxation* and sport massages**. 

Headache Massage

A massage of shoulders and head to relieve and prevent headaches.

50 minutes
55 euros

Massage Intensive

A relaxation massage combined with deep massage on tense muscles and problem areas.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Relaxation Massage

A relaxing massage to rest the body and the mind.

40/60/75/90 minutes
40/60/70/80 euros

Pain Relief Massage

A massage utilizing trigger point, sport massage, and deep tissue techniques.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Sport massage

A deep massage to loosen your muscles.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Headache Massage

A massage of shoulders and head to relieve and prevent headaches.

50 minutes
55 euros

Relaxation Massage

A relaxing massage to rest the body and the mind.

40/60/75/90 minutes
40/60/70/80 euros

Pain Relief Massage

A massage utilizing trigger point, sport massage, and deep tissue techniques.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Sport massage

A deep massage to loosen your muscles.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Massage Intensive

A relaxation massage combined with deep massage on tense muscles and problem areas.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Relaxation Massage

A relaxing massage to rest the body and the mind.

40/60/75/90 minutes
40/60/70/80 euros

Headache Massage

A massage of shoulders and head to relieve and prevent headaches.

50 minutes
55 euros

Pain Relief Massage

A massage utilizing trigger point, sport massage, and deep tissue techniques.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Massage Intensive

A relaxation massage combined with deep massage on tense muscles and problem areas.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Sport massage

A deep massage to loosen your muscles.

45/60/75/90 minutes
50/65/75/90 euros

Drawings by Linseed Studio and Alice Noir from Noun Project

* Relaxation massages are, as the name already implies, for the relaxation of both your body and mind. Calm music plays in the background. The massage techniques themselves are gentle but firm, fostering a sense of rest, security, and well-being. During the massage, your muscles are loosened, your blood flow is stimulated, and bodily waste and toxins are transported out of your body. The relaxation massage comes highly recommended if you wish both to relax as well as to have your muscles loosened up. 

** A sport massage is a firm massage that addresses the tension in your muscles. It involves targeting trigger points, stretching tight muscles, and deeply and slowly kneading through the various layers of muscle. It is very beneficial for anyone intensively using their muscles. This includes not only people whose jobs involve physically heavy work, but also people who spend most of their days behind the computer. The latter activity tires out shoulder, back, and arm muscles quite a lot. A sport massage works both to prevent injuries as well as to relax and restore following strenuous activity. As such it is effective both before and after your activities.